Pharmacy Practice

Pharmacy Practice keeps Canada’s entire universe of community and hospital pharmacists informed and up-to-date on clinical and professional issues that affect pharmacy. We provide readers with new clinical information on drug treatments, advice on patient counselling, articles on how pharmacists can increase their professional profile in their drugstore and in the community and continuing education correspondence lessons.

Pharmacy Post

Pharmacy Post is a monthly newspaper that goes to 16,000 practicing community pharmacists and 2,000 buyers (including head office personnel). It is the only pharmacy publication dedicated to covering the news, the nonprescription market (including alternative therapies) and the business of community pharmacy. Pharmacy Post also publishes OTC Counselor, Canada’s first and only continuing education correspondence program dedicated to nonprescription remedies.


L’Actualité Pharmaceutique

The monthly newspaper for french-speaking pharmacists, containing a strategic and most popular mix of:


  • Political and professional reports on pharmaceutical issues, clinical news and updates.
  • Continuing education supported by L’Ordre des Pharmaciens du Québec.
  • Lifestyle columns written by top professionals.

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